ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Asia Regional Contest 2012 in Tokyo



ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) is a global-scale collegiate programming contest, organized by ACM (association for Computing Machinery). The contest has been held since 1976, celebrating its 37th edition in this year 2012.

In the contest, teams, each of which consists of three students, compete to solve more problems in less time. Japan-based teams need to participate in the Domestic Contest held over the Internet. The winners then advance to Tokyo Site of the Asia Regional Contest. The winners of the Regional Contest further advance to the World Finals.

The ACM-ICPC provides a unique opportunity for university/college students to compete their programming techniques, where the winners have been highly evaluated in domestic or international contexts. It also provides students with an opportunity to interact with students around the world and to sharpen and demonstrate their programming and teamwork skills.